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Strathallan students honoured at British Eventing Ball

Strathallan students honoured at British Eventing Ball

Congratulations to Strathallan School pupils Pebbles W and Kyle F who were recognised for their outstanding achievements at the British Eventing Ball in Scotland.

Pebbles won Best Scotland Team U18 90 rider at BE Youth Championships and Kyle was named the Best Scottish Rider at BE Under 18 100 Championships.

Reflecting on her success this season, Pebbles said, “It was a huge honour to be able to receive the award for highest place U18 90 rider and to represent Scotland. I was proud to be seen with the recognition to show all my hard work and am so grateful to have gained this experience and share it with others.”

Speaking of his year on horseback, Kyle F, said, "It felt brilliant to win the award and to get a trophy. It's been a tough season as my own horse is lame so I've been working part time all year for a local Event rider training and competing some of his sales horses with him. And somehow I managed to do really well this season with one of the horses in particular who is called Freya. Sometimes good stuff happens when you least expect it as on the back of this season I've been offered sponsorship and the opportunity to compete next season with a really nice 6 year old horse called Gusto. So I'm really excited for that."

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