Bursaries and help with Fees

Bursaries and help with Fees

We believe the education we offer should be accessible to all. We provide a number of means-tested bursaries and fee remission policies to make this possible.

Anyone considering Strathallan for their son or daughter is welcome to apply for a means-tested bursary. Whilst funds are limited, we are committed to helping as many pupils as possible, from all backgrounds, to experience a Strathallan education.

Bursaries are awarded independently of any scholarship or other award, but any pupil who is successfully awarded a scholarship may also apply for a bursary. They are made as a percentage discount of the full fee and are assessed according to the parents’ ability to pay full fees, and the availability of bursary funds.

The bursary process is separate from admissions and financial background is not taken into account when awarding pupil places.

Please bear in mind that while we'll do everything we can to support those who need help, it's not always possible for us to accept every bursary application. Further information on the bursary process can be found in our Guide to Bursaries.

Read our latest Guide to Bursaries

How to apply

Applications for bursaries are made through the Bursar’s office but Applicants must first engage through Admissions, who will send out our Bursary Application Form.

Completed application forms should be posted to the Bursar at the following address:

Bursar's Office, Strathallan School, Forgandenny, Perth, PH2 9EG Scotland, UK

The bursary application deadline for September 2025 entry is Monday 3 February 2025. Due to limited funds, late applications can't always be considered.

Fee remissions

In addition to bursaries, we've got a number of remission policies offering fee discounts in certain circumstances.

Sibling remissions

Our sibling fee remissions are not means-tested and available to all families at Strathallan. Percentage discounts are applied to a sibling's fees when they join their brothers or sisters at Strathallan.

Services/FCO remission

Up to 20% discount (from September 2024) on boarding fees is given to members of HM Forces or members of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in receipt of the Continuity of Education Allowance. This does not apply to members of the Police or Fire Service.

Strathallian remission

A 5% discount on fees is available for children of Strathallians (former Strathallan pupils).

Find out about all our remission policies

Contact us

If you have questions or would like some more information about bursaries and fee remissions, please contact the Bursar's office:

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