True to the values of our founder Harry Riley, Strathallan School is an inclusive, caring place with a strong sense of community. We work hard to make sure every pupil is safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.
In 2019 we received an excellent report following a rigorous inspection by the Care Inspectorate, the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care.
“Students told us they felt safe at Strathallan across the whole campus and very comfortable in their boarding houses. We heard that there was a very supportive ethos across the student body… Promotion of self esteem was evident within an overall ethos of achievement and success…. Very high quality systems were in place to promote and support learning for all students.”
Download the full Care Inspectorate report.
A network of support
Everyone takes part in the pastoral life of the School. Our teachers get involved in the many activities beyond the classroom, enabling them to get to know pupils better, and allowing pupils to see their teachers in a different light.
While pupils have a formal link with their Housemaster or Housemistress and their academic tutor, they can contact any member of staff at any time for help and advice. That’s where the relationships built up on the sports field, in the theatre or during music rehearsals can bring positive benefits to other areas of our pupils’ lives.
This close understanding between pupils and staff allows us to celebrate individual success but also learn from things that don’t go quite as planned. We'll help pupils respond positively to lessons learned and take the opportunity to move on and improve.
Healthy living
We promote a healthy, active lifestyle for all our pupils and provide guidance on all areas of healthy living. This includes nutrition, the importance of physical activity, mindfulness, relationships and managing stress.
The Health Centre
We have a fully-equipped Health Centre onsite staffed by a team of qualified nurses. It has two three-bedded wards, consulting rooms, a treatment room, a physiotherapy room and a relaxation room.
Two doctors (one male, one female) hold surgeries during the week and other health specialists attend when necessary. Perth Royal Infirmary is nearby in case of emergencies.
As well as supporting pupils with medical or health concerns, the Health Centre takes a proactive role in promoting physical and mental wellbeing throughout the school.