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Strathallan students destined for dream degrees after A Level results

Strathallan students destined for dream degrees after A Level results

Exceptional A Level results released today have confirmed top choice destinations for pupils from Strathallan School.

After achieving a record 100% pass rate, including 37% obtaining A*-A, Strathallan students are soaring to their first-choice destinations including the Universities of Edinburgh, Durham, Bath, Queens University Belfast, Dundee, Loughborough and Milan Fashion School.

This follows equally impressive Advanced Higher results earlier this month which saw 97% of those studying Advanced Higher land their first or second choice destination including the Universities of St Andrews, Oxford Brookes, Stirling, North Carolina, Exeter, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Newcastle, Heriot-Watt and Trinity College.

Headmaster of Strathallan School, Mark Lauder said, “Today's results leave me in no doubt that our Class of 2024 is well prepared for whatever comes next. We have a class of very happy young people heading in exciting directions: to their first-choice degrees, off on gap years, or, in the case of our Army Scholar Lisa, who is off to Edinburgh to complete a history degree before taking up a place at Sandhurst. I am immensely proud of all their successes and wish them all the very best for the future.”

Former Vice-Captain of School, Angus Gibson from Carnoustie said he was over the moon to land his place to study Medicine at Queen’s University in Belfast after he received 3 A*s this morning.

Former Vice-Captains Angus Gibson (Queen's University Belfast) and Annabel Anderson (Edinburgh University)

Angus Gibson said, “I can’t believe how the last two years have paid off. I’ve been thinking about studying Medicine for so long, now it’s going to happen!”

Lisa Convey, who received 3 A*s and A, said her results have opened up a world of possibilities as she plans to spend a year becoming fluent in Mandarin in Taiwan before studying Maths.

Lisa said, “It’s such a relief that I don’t need to worry anymore. My results give me so much confidence for the future.”

Scottish Alpine Ski Racer Alasdair Macdonald will swap the slopes for the streets of London, as he confirms his place to study International Relations at Kings College London following 3 straight As.

No stranger to performing arts in Perth, Alasdair, who joined Strathallan from Craigclowan in 2015, said he’s excited to take centre stage in the next chapter of his own education.

“It feels surreal. It’s a huge relief after the last two years but it’s a dream come true. I can’t wait to head to London and see where it takes me.”

Elise Cosens, who joined Strathallan on a Swimming Scholarship in 2019 from Golspie High School, said her results today of 2 A*s and an A have landed her a spot on her dream degree of Medicine at the University of Dundee.

Elise, who celebrated her results by going surfing at Dunnet Head, said it’s thanks to her teachers and in particular her swim coach, Elaine Johnston, that she is heading off to follow her dream of becoming a doctor.

“I was really shocked when my results came through. My teachers have all been so supportive but Elaine my swim coach has been my biggest advocate, encouraging me to put my all into my studies.”

After landing offers in Aeronautical Engineering from top universities across the UK, Joshua Chapman from Edinburgh has set his sights on Southamption after landing 3 A*s today.

“My dream of becoming an F1 Aerodynamicist now feels within reach thanks to these results,” Joshua said.

Joining Strathallan from Cargilfield in Third Form, he credits Music, Maths and the Build-A-Plane project for shaping his school experience.

“Maths played a crucial role, and I wouldn’t have reached this level without the support of teachers like Mrs. Halley and Mrs. Higginbottom. Building the plane and getting started on the electric car with Mr Barrett and Dr Cooper confirmed my career aspirations,” Joshua concluded.

To our newest alumni, we are immensely proud of your achievements at Strathallan and eagerly anticipate watching your exceptional journeys continue to unfold.

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