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Sophie’s art recognised by Royal Scottish Academy

Sophie’s art recognised by Royal Scottish Academy

Strathallan School pupil Sophie D has come Highly Commended in the prestigious Royal Scottish Academy’s Schools Art Award.

Named as creating one of the top pieces of art submitted this year, Sophie said she was over the moon to be recognised for her work which depicts a fishing boat moored at a jetty in Greece.

The RSA Art Award has been running since 1986 and is considered one of the most prestigious awards made available to pupils. This year over 800 pieces of art were submitted by students across the UK.

Sophie and her work of art

Sophie said, “I definitely didn’t expect it but I’m so happy to be featured. I love making art and want to continue Art at A Level next year so it’s lovely to be recognised for my work.”

Her artwork was painted onto an A2-size piece of wood, covered in scraps of newspaper. Painted with acrylic, her piece features the reflection of the boat sitting at the end of the jetty in the crystal-clear Mediterranean waters.

Frank Glancy, Head of Art at Strathallan, said, “It’s always fantastic to see one of our pupils get acknowledged for their creative work by the RSA and Sophie deserves this praise. The level of skill in her piece is fantastic and I can’t wait to see what she does next year in Art.”

The RSA Exhibition goes on virtual display on Monday 12th June until 23rd July and can be viewed here.

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